Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Commerce Media Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes the importance of personal information protection as an e-commerce construction, operation, and consulting service provider. We consider it a social responsibility to handle and protect personal information properly, and we are committed to ensuring that all employees adhere to the action standards of this Personal Information Protection Policy.

  1. We will acquire, use, and provide appropriate personal information, taking into account the content and scale of our business. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes and will take measures to prevent its use beyond these purposes.
  2. We will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual or unless required by law.
  3. We will comply with laws, guidelines set by the country, and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information. Our Personal Information Protection Management System complies with the Japanese Industrial Standards "Personal Information Protection Management System — Requirements" (JIS Q 15001) and will be appropriately managed.
  4. We will take measures to prevent and correct leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
  5. If we entrust all or part of the handling of personal information, we will supervise the entrusted party as necessary and appropriately to ensure the safety management of the entrusted personal information.
  6. We will promptly respond to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information, and appropriately and quickly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, or deletion of personal information.
  7. We will continuously improve the Personal Information Protection Management System.

Enacted on March 1, 2017
Last revised on September 22, 2022

Commerce Media Corporation
President Takahiro Izawa

Please contact the following for inquiries regarding this policy.
Commerce Media Corporation, Administration Department
3-44-11 Minami Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 170-0005
TEL: 050-5362-5539

Handling of Personal Information

1. Company Name

Commerce Media Corporation
3-44-11 Minami Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 170-0005
President Takahiro Izawa

2. Personal Information Protection Manager

Administration Department, Personal Information Protection Manager

3. Purpose of Use

  • (1) Customer Information (including customer information handled in outsourced operations)
  • Necessary tasks for delivering products ordered from our company
  • Providing useful and necessary information to customers, such as new product announcements
  • Processing applications for giveaways and shipping winning products
  • Inquiries, confirmations, and collecting opinions to improve services
  • Investigations to refuse service to those attempting to use our services for fraudulent or improper purposes
  • Enhancement of services and security provided by us and our partners
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Processing product orders, shipping, returns, and payments
  • Executing outsourced operations (including customer support management)
  • Notifying and inviting customers to seminars
  • Improving our services and security
  • Other purposes individually clarified to customers

4. Provision to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

  • With the consent of the individual
  • When required by law
  • When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and obtaining consent is difficult
  • When particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children and obtaining consent is difficult
  • When cooperating with government institutions or local public bodies in executing legal duties, and obtaining consent may hinder the execution of those duties

Even in such cases, we will ensure that personal information is appropriately and safely managed within the minimum necessary scope.

5. Supervision of Contractors

We may provide part of personal information to external contractors in order to perform services. In such cases, we will select appropriate contractors and ensure that they take necessary and appropriate measures to manage the safety of personal information.

6. Main Measures for Safety Management

(1) Formulation of Basic Policy
We will establish a basic policy to ensure the proper handling of personal data.

(2) Maintenance of rules related to the handling of personal data
We will establish rules for handling personal data at each stage, such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal.

(3) Organizational Safety Management Measures
We will appoint a person in charge of personal data handling and clarify the scope of personal data handled by employees. A reporting system will be established if violations are found.

(4) Personnel Safety Management Measures
We will conduct regular training for employees regarding the handling of personal data.

(5) Physical Safety Management Measures
We will restrict access to areas where personal data is handled and take measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal data.

(6) Technical Safety Management Measures
We will implement access control to limit the scope of personal data handled by employees. Information systems handling personal data will be protected from unauthorized access or malicious software.

7. Publication of Information on Retained Personal Data

Our retained personal data applies to all cases except (2) in the "Purpose of Use." The handling of retained personal data is the same as described in sections 1-6 above.

8. Requests for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

If you wish to request notification, disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, or cessation of provision to third parties of retained personal data, please contact the person in charge of personal information. We will respond appropriately and promptly within a reasonable scope after confirming your identity.

9. Revisions to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be revised without notice due to legal requirements or at our discretion. The latest version will be posted on our website.

10. Optionality

If sufficient personal information is not provided, it may affect our ability to provide services or respond to inquiries.

11. Handling of Cookies

We may use cookies for the purpose of improving services. Cookies do not contain personally identifiable information. If you do not wish to use cookies, you can set your web browser to refuse them.

12. Access Logs

We collect access logs to monitor usage trends and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. We do not use collected personal information for any other purpose. We are not responsible for how personal information is handled on linked websites.

Contact Regarding Personal Information Handling

Commerce Media Corporation, Administration Department
3-44-11 Minami Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan 170-0005
TEL: 050-5362-5539

Last revised on September 22, 2022